My name is Dian Nur Rohmah. You can call me Dian number 08, class IX A, adrres Ngolodono, Karangdowo, Klaten. My hobby are cooking and playing badminton, my aspire success basins. I was born 22nd November 1996. My parents are Saminto and Mindarsih.
After I pass from SMP N 1 Karangdowo, I will continue my study to SMK N 2 Klaten. I will take it electrical Departement. I take it because it has a good quality. In that school, the students are smart. After graduating from this school, we can get a good job soon. This school is different from other schools because we must study for 4 years, 3 year we study theory, and one year we study practice in other regency. In practice process, we can get a salary. If we pass the practice study, we can take d1 title. This is not the same as other school.
After passing from SMK N 2 Klaten, I will work and continue my study to the next level with my own money.
Mechanics: 6 points
Content: 10 points
Meet deadline: 10 points
Grammar: 7 points
Total Score: 8.25
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